Long Beach Community Compost

Collection Hours 
Friday: 8AM-9:30AM                  
Sunday: 10AM-11:30AM

Collection Address
2714 California Ave

Contact Us

2025 Highlights
• MLK Day of Service • Building Garden Beds • Building a Bike Powered Sifter

2024 Highlights 
• 3-Bin Compost System Build • Community Outreach • MLK Day of Service • Zine Making • ‘Free Palestine’ Screen Printing Fundraiser • Long Beach Plant Club Annual Plant Share

These hands keep it going.

︎ Wynn
︎ Talia
︎ Steve
︎ Reth
︎ Renate
︎ Regina
︎ Meghan
︎ Kirk
︎ Kathryn
︎ Katherine
︎ Dain
︎ Celeste

︎The Crew Collective



Community powered composting      
Turning Long Beach food waste into collective gold.

What’s in our community compost piles?

  1. Carbon/Brown
    (we primarily use mulch)
  2. Nitrogen/Green
    (your food scraps)
  3. Air/Oxygen
    (volunteers turn piles)
  4. Water
    (courtesy of our trusty garden hose)

  1. Bacteria
    (most numerous and responsible for most of the decomposition and heat generation in compost)
  2. Fungi
    (numerous during both mesophilic and thermophilic phases of composting)
  3. Actinomycetes
    (most commonly seen toward the end of the composting process)