Long Beach Community Compost

Collection Hours 
Friday: 8AM-9:30AM                  
Sunday: 10AM-11:30AM

Collection Address
2714 California Ave

Contact Us

2025 Highlights
• MLK Day of Service • Building Garden Beds • Building a Bike Powered Sifter

2024 Highlights 
• 3-Bin Compost System Build • Community Outreach • MLK Day of Service • Zine Making • ‘Free Palestine’ Screen Printing Fundraiser • Long Beach Plant Club Annual Plant Share

These hands keep it going.
︎ Wynn
︎ Talia
︎ Steve
︎ Reth
︎ Renate
︎ Regina
︎ Meghan
︎ Kirk
︎ Kathryn
︎ Katherine
︎ Dain
︎ Celeste

︎The Crew





Who is Long Beach Community Compost?

Long Beach Community Compost is a group of committed humans working to collect your food scraps and turn them into nutrients for the local soil.


What types of organic materials do you accept?**

We accept the following: fruits, vegetables, coffee grounds, eggshells, nut shells, loose leaf tea, flowers, plants, leaves, sawdust, yard waste, undyed paper, cardboard, and coffee filters.

What types of organic materials do you NOT accept?

We do not accept meat, fish, whole eggs, processed and cooked foods, bread, grains, tortillas, grease, lard, dairy products, diseased plants/weeds, or non-shredded yard waste.

Why don’t you accept all food waste?

Since our compost is used in edible gardens, maintaining its high quality is essential. Additionally, as we are located in an open space, we avoid accepting items (like cooked foods, meat, and dairy) that might attract wildlife in the park.

Can I drop off scraps from my business?

No. Our priority is to accept food scraps from residents and community organizations, such as mutual aid groups.

Where can we be updated about your drop off hours?

Check Instagram or join our LBCC Announcements chat on WhatsApp.

Can I drop off food scraps when you are not there?

No. Please only drop off food scraps when volunteers are present. Unsupervised drop-offs do more harm than good.
Drop off Hours: Friday - 8 to 9:30 AM, Sunday- 10 to 11:30 AM.

How can I store my compost at home?

Here are some storage methods our community composters use for their compost:
  • Store it in the freezer or fridge
  • Store it in a bucket with a tight lid and air holes or a filter for ventilation, and keep in a shady area

Can you pick up my compost?

No, we do not pick up compost.

**Remember, while composting is beneficial, feeding people is a higher priority. We strive to reserve any still-edible food for people to take. We encourage everyone to appreciate the food they have, as well as the labor, energy, and resources that went into producing it. Do your best not to overbuy and ensure that food is consumed before it goes to waste. Ideally, we should only be composting inedible food scraps, such as peels, skins, pits, and stems.


How long does it take to make finished compost?

Typically, our piles take 2-3 months to fully transform into finished compost.

What goes into your compost piles at the site?

In addition to the food scraps and organic materials that you provide, we mix in carbon materials like mulch and leaves. Every 2-3 weeks, we aerate and hydrate the pile to provide oxygen and moisture. The decomposition process is then carried out by insects and microorganisms.

Can I take finished compost for my garden and plants?

Yesssss! That’s why we do this. We kindly ask that if you take compost, you either volunteer with us or provide a suggested minimum donation of **$5-$10 per 5-gallon bucket. **We also understand if you're short on funds. Don't worry, take what you need and pay us back with time or money whenever you can.


When will I receive my green bin from the city?

Please contact the city: https://www.longbeach.gov/lbrecycles/news/organics-collection/

Will you still be open after the city rolls out the green bins?

Yes! The importance of healthy soil and healthy people cannot be overstated, especially in these current times. Community composting contributes to community-oriented needs, like fostering spaces where people can connect and learn. The green bins are good for disposing of food items we don’t accept like meats, dairy, cooked and processed foods.


Where can I be updated about your events and happenings?

You can follow us on instagram @lbcommunitycompost. You can also join our WhatsApp LBCC Announcements chat. Ask about this when you visit us at the piles!
How can I volunteer?

this volunteer waiver form. When you arrive, let one of our crew members know you're interested in volunteering. We'll show you how everything works. You'll get to do things like chop food scraps, turn piles, harvest piles, sift our finished compost, and engage with other community composters . Hope to see you soon!

Where exactly are you located?

We’re located at 2714 California Ave. Once you arrive, park on the right side and follow the path shown in the map below.